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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Supporting the Bella Vista Marching Band

The Denman Foundation was honored recently at the Bella Vista Marching Band Crab Feed as one of only two Platinum Sponsors. The fundraiser went to the Bella Vista High School Band & Auxillary program which is a fully self-supported program that depends on contributions like that from the Denman Foundation.

Keep the Music Alive
MSD Foundation Recognized for it's Support

Keith and Kristie Standish and Foundation Board Member India Denman

A good time had by all!

The Foundation was recently highlighted at their Crab Feed as a Platinum Sponsor, giving $1,000 to the program. From it's inception, the Denman Foundation placed a high value on after school programs for kids, with a focus on music programs. When the opportunity presented itself to be a part of such a great program, the members of the Denman Foundation board were unanimous in their support.

For more details on the Bella Vista Marching Band, please visit their site at

2013 Denman Foundation Golf Tournament

As anyone in attendance can attest, the 2013 Denman Foundation Golf Tournament was a huge success. To list and give thanks to all the people who helped would take far too long since this really was the epitome of a group effort. Very special thanks to Keith Standish for being the driving force and organizer of this whole event. The Foundation is also especially thankful for all the volunteers who came out and worked so hard to make the day run smoothly and ensure that every golfer had a great time. Firehouse Entertainment also did an amazing job keeping everyone entertained and the festivities running smoothly. The day ended with a dinner and silent auction where some lucky bidders walked away with memorable keepsakes.

In the end the event grossed over $20,000 to go towards EMT scholarships and to help fund local programs in music and sports. Stay tuned for more details on the great things the Denman Foundation is working on in your community.